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Still a very important part of the Odd Fellows! 

The Rebekahs are traditionally the ladys of the Odd Fellows.  However, Odd Fellow members are welcome to join as well.  The Rebekahs have a very proud heritage and traditions dating back almost as long as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 
The qualifications for becoming a Rebekah are virtually identical to those of the Odd Fellows.  A man or woman of good character, who is loyal to his or her country and believes in a Supreme Being, the creator and preserver of the Universe, is eligible for membership. Odd Fellowship strictly forbids any interference with one's religious beliefs or political opinions. Most jurisdictions require candidates for the adult lodges to be 16 years old.  Check with your local lodge for more exact details. 
For more information, click on the How To Join page.

What's new with the Rebekah's...

There is a LOT happining with the Pikeville Rebekah "Queen Esther" Lodge 53.  We are back!  The new members and officers are meeting and conducting beautiful cerimonies and everything is on the right track.  The new members are the boost the Rebekah lodge needed and will help to insure that the Rebekahs remain a vital and active part of Odd Fellowship.  The Rebekah lodge still needs to recruit new members to continue to function and be an active part of Odd Fellowship. 

The Rebekah Queen Esther Lodge 53 of Pikeville Kentucky would like to offer their most warm and heart-felt thanks to our best friend and ally, Francis Fraley.  Without all of her help and support, the restoration of our lodge would never have happened.  Francis has been supportive and informative where we, the new members lacked knowledge and experience.  If anything went wrong, she would just give us a smile and a wink and help us to relax, feel better and have fun.  And that is exactly what the Rebekahs are all about.  We still have a long way to go, but as long as we know we have someone like Francis Fraley, we are not one bit afraid of what the future may hold.  As long as we can get up with Francis, we know everything will be just fine.

Here are some members and friends of the Rebekahs.









Now that the Pikeville Rebekahs have enough members to continue to have meetings, everyone is encouraged to be an active participant.  It is still our goal to recrute new members so there will continue to be enough members to conduct meetings and initations from the Pikeville lodge.  If you are already a member, be an ACTIVE member!  We really need your support.  Your participation will make the difference.


A Word From the Noble Grand, Sherry Lynn Tackett

Sisters and brothers,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your support of the Rebekahs and the Queen Esther Rebekah lodge of Pikeville.  The more I learn about the Rebekahs, the more I realize just how important an organization it really is.  Not just for the charitable works the Rebekahs are so well known for, but also for their principles and the theme of their very foundation.  The Rebekahs are dedicated to the memory of the saintly women heroes found in the sacred writings we know as the Holy Bible.  It’s very easy to read about these brave and Godly women of the Bible and just pass by the text and keep going.  But as one learns more about the Rebekahs, it is easy to see that considerable time, thought and due reverence was given to the memory of these women of the Bible as the Rebekah degree was created.  During Biblical times, and even in some parts of the world today, women were considered little more than property.   How can I compare the bravery of these women as they took a stand for their God and their beliefs?  I can not compare them to a soldier going into an overwhelming battle, because the soldier would at least have armor, a weapon in his hand, and a fighting chance to defend himself.  But rather, those women could be compared to a fearless lamb standing bravely before the slaughter, in essence, following in advance, the Lord and Savior they would someday come to know.  Many times in the Bible, the success, well being, and even the very existence of God’s chosen people was held in the balance of one person; a woman.  Consider Queen Esther.  Knowing she faced certain death to approach the King unannounced, rather than see certain annihilation come to her people, she bravely entered the court chamber of the king and obtained mercy for herself and her people.  The obedience of Ruth caused her name to be included when one reads the lineage of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  And the list of Godly women we read about goes on and on.  The apostle Paul said, “follow me as I follow Christ,” but I would also like to expand this slightly to you women and also to you men.  Sisters and brothers, take lesson from the bravery of the women saints as you read about them in the Bible, because they were following the very same God we do. Their bravery and simple acts of obedience to God has literally changed the world.  Keep their memory and the fire of their spirits alive in your hearts and be an active participant of this lodge.  That is why the Rebekahs must not be allowed to fade from existence.  That is why I am so moved to keep the Rebekah Lodge open.  When I remember the actions of the many saintly women of the Bible, I am inspired, I am motivated, I AM A REBEKAH.


Odd Fellows, recognizing the need for a woman's touch and her helpfulness in carrying out the principles of Odd Fellowship, brought into being the Rebekah degree, founded upon the principles of faithfulness, hospitality, purity and dedication to the principles of the Order as portrayed by women characters of the Bible.

The degree of Rebekah was accepted in 1851 as written by the Honorable Schuyler Colfax.

The degree was originally written for Brothers to confer on their wives and daughters and was considered an "Honorary Degree". The degree could only be conferred at a special meeting and Brothers could also receive the degree, much the same as today.

Later the Sisters were allowed to confer the degree on other Sisters, a ritual was adopted with the Sisters taking the parts. Rebekah Lodges were instituted and have continued to flourish.

This ritual has changed very little since 1851. It includes lessons from the biblical stories in the Old Testament of the women of the Bible.

We use emblems teaching lessons that are invaluable to be a Rebekah. The beehive, representing associated industry and the result of united effort. The moon and seven stars which teaches us the value of regularity in all our work. The dove, the beautiful emblem of peace. The white lily, a symbol of purity.



I believe in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of man, and the Sisterhood of woman.
I believe in the watch-words of our Order - Friendship, Love and Truth.
Friendship - is like a golden chain that ties our hearts together. Love - is one of our most precious gifts, the more you give, the more you receive. Truth - is the standard by which we value people. It is the foundation of our society.
I believe that my main concern should be my God, my family and my friends. Then I should reach out to my community and the World, for in God's eyes we are all brothers and sisters.

This page is currently under construction.  We will be adding more information about the Rebekah's soon!

Odd Fellows Of Pikeville Kentucky - Lodge 294