How to join the Odd Fellows or Rebekah's:
Requirements for Membership
A man or woman of good character, who is loyal to his or her country and believes in a Supreme
Being, the creator and preserver of the Universe, is eligible for membership. Odd Fellowship strictly forbids any interference
with one's religious beliefs or political opinions. Most jurisdictions require candidates for the adult lodges to be 16
years old. Junior Lodges and Theta Rho clubs accept members 8 to 18 years old (some jurisdictions have a minimum age limit
of 10).
Lodges charge an initiation fee and annual dues. The amount of dues is set by each lodge.
How to Join
A candidate must be sponsored by a current member, so the first step towards joining is to find
someone who is a current member.
- Ask people you know if they know anyone who is an Odd Fellow or a Rebekah.
- Check the Jurisdictions in this web site for someone who lives in the same state or province as you, and send a note introducing yourself and expressing
interest in joining.
- Find the local lodge, drop in on the day of a meeting about 30 minutes before the scheduled
time, and introduce yourself. Most lodges are eager to find new members and will be glad to meet you.
- Check the Jurisdictions page for your state or province in this web site.
- Check the local telephone directory.
- Keep your eyes open for a building labeled with IOOF or the three links emblem, especially in
the oldest part of Downtown.
- Go to the Odd Fellows building and check for a sign listing the lodges that meet there.
- If you cannot find a current member among your acquaintances, or a local lodge, or anyone living
close to you in the e-mail listing,
- You can write to or call the Grand Lodge or Rebekah Assembly in your state or province and ask
the Grand Secretary for assistance.
- You can write or telephone The Sovereign Grand Lodge office. Telephone numbers and address are given on the home page.
After You Have Applied for Membership
When the lodge has received your application, they will appoint an interviewing committee of
three members. These members will call on you, both to ask questions and to answer any questions you may have concerning the
lodge. One purpose of the interviewing committee is to give a candidate at least three familiar faces in the lodge. At the
next meeting, the interviewing committee will report back to the lodge. The lodge will ballot to accept you as a member. The
lodge will then send you a letter announcing your election to membership and the date and time for initiation.
Contact us if you have any other questions.
