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How to Join

Be an active part of your community!  If we care enough about our community and our world to take action, we really can make a difference!  The Odd Fellows have always strived to leave our community and our world a little bit better place than we found it.  Here are some ways you can get involved:

Become a Member!

The Odd Fellows have been a proud part of Pike County for over 100 years, and YES, we are still here!  If you would like to become a part of a historic orginazation with a very rich heritage, apply to become an Odd Fellow and join in!

Register for an Upcoming Event

Fun activities are a great way to get people involved. There are always activities and events happening with the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.  To find out more, click on the "Recent and Upcoming Events" page or contact the lodge for more information.

Volunteer Your Time

Don't be a hearer of good deeds only, be a do'er as well.  The Odd Fellows have many cheritable organizations they support and there are lots of ways you can volunteer your time to help.  Check with the lodge and see just how you can be a part.

Make a Donation

A lot of people today wish they could help with cheritable orginizations but simply do not have the time to take from their busy schedule.  One way you can still help is to make a financial contribution.  Some donations may be tax deductable.


Odd Fellows Of Pikeville Kentucky - Lodge 294