IOOF Lodge 294 Gazette
Organization News
The repairs to the first floor office section of the Odd Fellows 294 Lodge building have been completed and
the office space is ready to be rented out. There have been several enquiries about the office, but so far there have
been no takers. When the block across from the lodge is torn down to make way for the new court house, there will be
several businesses who will need a place, but for now we need to see about getting someone in and income coming back in to
the lodge.
District Meeting:
The next district meeting will be held at the Pikeville IOOF Lodge on the second Saturday in July, which is on the 11th.
The dinner will beging at 6:00 PM and will be "pot-luck." The Rebekah's from each lodge have offered to bring something.
The meeting will begin immediately after the dinner at 7:00 PM. Check the Recent and Upcoming Events page
for more details.
The Pikeville Rebekah "Queen Esther" Lodge 53 have been meeting regularly ever since they elected and
swore in their new officers last year. The Rebekahs have been meeting on the first and third Thursday of every
month at 7:00 PM. The Rebekahs had a wonderful New-Year's Eve party and everything went very well. We counted
in the New Year and had a relly GREAT time! Some pictures of the event are below this story and on the Rebekah
section. After the meetings, the Rebekahs like to socialize and serve refreshments. The new members were indeed the
boost the Rebekah lodge needed and will help to insure that the Rebekahs remain a vital and active part of Odd Fellowship.
The Rebekah lodge still needs to recruit new members to continue to function and be an active part
of Odd Fellowship. Socializing, fellowship and just having fun is certainly NOT a lost art, as the Rebekah lodge
has proven. So pass the word along and become a member!
Some pictures of the Rebekahs New-Year's Eve countdown party.

Table of Contents
Organizational News
District Meeting
A New Look
The Rebekahs are Back!
A New Look
Well the front door of Odd Fellows lodge 294 is FINALLY complete! Over the past several years, many people
have asked if the Odd Fellows of Pikeville are still in existance. The answer is of course, YES WE ARE... And now
we have the look to prove it, and people have already taken notice. The lodge recently had work done to the downstairs
apartment after the lettering and logos on the Lodge door had already been completed. One of the men who worked for
the contracting company that was renovating the down stairs office, an Odd Fellow from another lodge, was
very impressed how such a simple thing could have made such a big difference. People stopped by and asked if the
Odd Fellows had moved back into the building. He would just smile and tell them that the Odd Fellows of Pikeville had
never left. A picture can be worth a thousand words, so just look and see for yourself.


A closer look at the door...
Old look:

New look:
The lettering and logos were redone by Skyy Studio located just around the corner from the Odd Fellows building. The
"yes we're still here" look is really what we needed.
Skyy Studio's web site: