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All the latest happenings in Pike County Odd Fellowship.

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IOOF Lodge 294 Gazette

Edition 1 
Summer 2008

A visit from Donald Thomas, Grand Master of the Kentucky Grand Lodge

On Friday, July 18th the Pikeville Odd Fellows was honored to have Donald Thomas and several visiting delegates from the Kentucky Grand Lodge. Regular business was attended to, and pointers were given to help the Lodge. Donald Thomas, Fred Nelson, and the other visiting dignitaries also assisted in initiating two new members! It is good to know that no matter how high up the ladder an Odd Fellow gets, they are always glad to roll up their sleeves and help with simple tasks to assist a local lodge. Many thanks for everything!



Noble Grand Kelly Young (left) Grand Master Donald Thomas (right)

An interview with Donald Thomas, Grand Master of the Kentucky Grand Lodge
Question: Can you tell us what the biggest concern with the future of the Odd Fellows is?
DT: Yes I can.  Membership is down!  We lost over 250 members last year and only took in about 20.  If this trend continues, the Kentucky Independant Order of Odd Fellows is about ten years away from extinction.
Question: What can we do about it?
DT: Let people know that the Odd Fellows are still here!  Many people are unaware that the Odd Fellows are still in existance.  Stay active in the community and let people know who you are.  Also, Invite people to join!  Unlike other fraternities, the Odd Fellows allows its members to invite potential candidates to join.
Fred Nelson, the Deputy Grand Master of the Kentucky Odd Fellows adds: We can also let people know what the Odd Fellows have to offer!  The Odd Fellows of Kentucky sponsers two local camps.  One in Jenny Wiley and Nolin Lake Youth Camp.  Nationally, the Odd Fellows help to sponser hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages and many other cherities.


Deputy Grand Master Fred Nelson

Table of Contents

A visit from the Grand Master and members of the Grand Lodge
Interview with Donald Thomas, Grand Master of the Kentucky Grand Lodge

Organizational News
A New Look
New Rebehah Members

Organization News

The Pikeville Odd Fellows completed the iniation of two new members!  Congratulations to Ron and Jeff Tackett!  They are now Odd Fellows in good standing and very excited to be a part of the order.  

A New Look
Plans are being made to redo the front door.  Many people ask if the Odd Fellows of Pikeville are still in existance.  The answer is of course, YES WE ARE... But with all the new things being done in the downtown area, old may seem out of the norm.  The only changes that are scheduled to be made is to the lettering and logos painted on the door.  The old painted logos and lettering are going to be redone by Skyy Studio located just around the corner from the Odd Fellows building.  They are going to replace the painted lettering and logos with new vinyl which will give the doorway a new and more modern look.  The "yes we're still here" look is really what we need.
Skyy Studio's web site:


New Rebekah Members

The Pikeville Rebekah "Queen Esther" Lodge 53 met on September the 5th and was honored to be visited by the district President Francis Fraley and several other visiting dignitaries.  Five new members were iniatated and nominations were taken for offices for the following year.  The new members are the boost the Rebekah lodge needed and will help to insure that the Rebekahs remain a vital and active part of Odd Fellowship.  The Rebekah lodge still needs to recruit new members to continue to function and be an active part of Odd Fellowship. 

Odd Fellows Of Pikeville Kentucky - Lodge 294